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5 Ways You Can Fight Climate Change. Right away.

The heated debate on climate change ends now. Though many people have misconceptions about the relationship between weather and  climate change, the truth is this. Weather is not climate. But weather does play a role in our climate, and climate change is steadily impacting our weather. According to NASA (2005), weather is the conditions of our atmosphere over a short period of time. This means weather spans weeks and months compared to climate that looks at the whole picture, which can include decades.  When we look at our phones to check the current temperature, we are checking the weather. The weatherman makes predictions about the weather, which can change over a course of hours and sometimes even minutes, so it is never permanent and rarely predictable. Why is this important?  Because one cold day or one cold winter in one location of the globe does not mean that climate change is not our reality. When we give up trying to prove whether or not climate change exists, we can begin the important work of climate action.   As a college student in Reading, my concern is having a healthy planet and clean water for not only myself but for any kids I might have in the future. Luckily, there is good news.  We can reverse some of the damage we have caused by transitioning to clean, sustainable energy. A majority of scientists is in agreement that carbon emissions from human activity are responsible for much of the warming of the planet.  The more carbon we continue to put into our atmosphere, the worse climate change becomes. Clean energy is created and used without putting more carbon into the atmosphere and therefore without warming that atmosphere. These forms of energy have  the potential to not only reverse the effects but create more jobs in burgeoning industries, which will contribute to a healthy and sustainable economy. Cities all across America are choosing forms of electricity, right now, that are clean, sustainable, healthy, and economy boosting.  Reading is next. In fact, Pennsylvania is already seeing the effects of climate change and can act now to thwart that and begin building a sustainable economy.  As a student who will join the workforce in a few years, this is really exciting to me. I know I want to be a part of the emerging industries that will power a sustainable future.  What does that mean for me? I’m going to put my money where the future is---in clean energy. Here are five ways young people can act right now to promote a future that will sustain us all:

  1. Turn off electricity when you’re not using it; Not only do you save money on your bill, but it reduces the amount of carbon emissions into our atmosphere.  This can be the simplest action--turn off the lights when you leave a room. Turn off the television when your show is over. Turn down the heat when you’re sleeping. When you save money, you are also taking important climate action.  

  2. Take your bike:  This also helps with saving gas money! And here’s a great story about biking in Reading, PA. .  

  3. Support businesses who embrace sustainability:  As daily consumers, we have the power to let our voices be heard in the most convincing way possible, with money. In Reading, RACC is starting a Sustainability Task Force to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability. Other businesses are taking similar action.  Find them, and give them your business.  

  4. Get better at recycling. iGreen electronics is a great company in Reading, PA where you can recycle electronics you are no longer using.

  5. Come to a virtual Reading for 100 community forum held every other Thursday at 6:00 p.m. Email for information on the next forum.  

Raffaela Gualtieri was a student at RACC who plans to study neuroscience. 

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